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Indiana University Jacobs School of Music, 2020

            D.M. Vocal Performance

            Minors: Music Education and Russian


Brigham Young University, 2015

            M.M. Vocal Performance


Southern Utah University, 2012

             B.A. Music, emphasis in Vocal Performance.

             Minor: German



Teaching Artist – Tunaweza Kimuziki

Fall 2020-Present
Online vocal instructor for students at Kabarak University School of Music in Nairobi, Kenya.

Secondary Voice Coordinator – Indiana University       

Fall 2018-Spring 2019

Training graduate associates instructors in their teaching duties.

Coordinating auditions, roster checks, student assignments and grade submissions


Associate Instructor of Voice – Indiana University                       

Fall 2016-2019

Undergraduate group and private voice lessons


Adjunct Faculty in Music – Brigham Young University                

Spring 2016

Directed Opera Chorus and instructed undergraduate group and private voice lessons


Graduate Supervisor – Brigham Young University                       

Fall 2014-Spring 2015

Trained graduate vocal students in designing and executing undergraduate music courses.

Coordinated teacher and student schedules

Undergraduate Voice Instructor – Brigham Young University    

Spring 2013-2015

Group and private voice lessons for non-vocal majors


Private Piano and Voice Teacher - Cedar Music Store                  


Private piano and voice lessons


Opera Roles


Mother in The Three Hermits                                                                                                           IU Production, July 2019


Euterpe in Parnasso in festa                                                                                                              IU Production, February 2019

Bertarido in Rodelinda                                                                                                                        IU Opera, February 2017 

Frau Lange in The Lost Children of Hamelin                                                                                  BYU Opera, June 2016

Cherubino in Le nozze di Figaro                                                                                                        BYU Opera, October 2014

Prince Orlofsky in Die Fledermaus                                                                                                   BYU Opera, October 2013

Ruth in The Pirates of Penzance                                                                                                        BYU Opera, June 2013

Erste Dame in Die Zauberflöte                                                                                                          SUU Opera, January 2009

Madame Pompous in Too Many Sopranos                                                                                       SUU Opera, November 2008

Solo Work

Composition Recital of Abel Esbenshade                                                                                 Bloomington, IN - Feb. 2018

Played the part of Asmoday in the opening

scene of the opera Ex Paradisum


Doctoral Recital                                                                                                                            Bloomington, IN - July 2017

Cycles by Schumann and Edwin Penhorwood 

with selections by Rachmaninoff

Wasatch Chorale’s Messiah Production                                                                                    Provo, UT - Dec. 2015

Alto soloist

50th Anniversary Celebration of HFAC                                                                                Provo, UT - April 2015

Mezzo soloist and alto II.

Utah Baroque Ensemble                                                                                                           Provo, UT - April 2015

Alto soloist in Bach’s Bleib bei uns, denn es

will Abend werden

Graduate Russian Lecture Recital                                                                                          Provo, UT - January 2015

Art songs and arias spanning Glinka to Sviridov

Moscow Conservatory’s International Recital                                                                      Moscow, Russia – August 2014          

 Selections by Rachmaninoff and Moisés Simons

Messiah with Orchesestra of Southern Utah                                                                      Cedar City, UT - Dec. 2011


Ensemble Performances


Gregorian chant services                                                                                    St. John the Apostle Catholic Church, Current

Alto section leader           


IU Production of Bach’s St. John Passion                                                       IU Production, March 2018



BYU Singers China Tour                                                                                    China, April-May 2015

Soloist and Alto II

Brevitas Recording Sessions and Concert                                                      Salt Lake City, UT - July 2015

Alto section leader

BYU Singers Northwestern Tour                                                                      Idaho, Washington, Oregon, April-May 2014

Alto I

Phantom of the Opera                                                                                       Provo, UT - January 2013

Dance ensemble and chorus

SUU Concert Choir                                                                                           Cedar City, UT - 2007-2011

Soprano II

BYU Concert Choir                                              Provo, UT - 2006-2007

Soprano II



Ariel Bybee Award                                                                                                          Provo, UT - January 2015

Award presented by Ariel Bybee

at BYU’s Young Artist of Voice competition.


BYU Concerto Competition Winner                                                                         Provo, UT - January 2015

Won vocal division of Concerto Competition.

Performed Dargomyzhsky’s “Первая песня Лауры

with BYU Symphony and Philharmonic.


1st Place at NATS                                                                                                         Las Vegas, NV – 2011

Won first place in the sophomore vocal division.     

Halverson Young Artist Winner                                                                                 Cedar City, UT - April 2009

Won vocal division and performed with the Orchestra

of Southern Utah.


FLAS Russian language fellowship                                                                               Indiana University, Summer 2017

Funded attendance at IU’s prestigious summer intensive

Russian program

Graduate Fellowship Research Award recipient                                                        Brigham Young University, 2014-2015

Funded study at the Moscow Conservatory with

Galina Pisarenko


FLAS Russian language fellowship                                                                               Brigham Young University, 2014-2015

Funded Russian literature and grammar classes for the

academic school year


Rondhalter Award in Music                                                                                           Southern Utah University, Spring 2008

Awarded for highest sophomore GPA at SUU’s school of music


Minor Music Education

  • Doctoral Minor and additional graduate electives taken in Music Education

  • Graduate courses in “Teaching College Music,” “Theories of Music Learning and Motivation,” “History and Social Foundations of Music Education,” and “Teaching Secondary General Music.”


Vocal Literature

  •  Graduate courses in opera and art song literature   


Doctoral minor in Russian – IU Jacobs School of Music – April 2020


Undergraduate minor in German – Southern Utah University – August 2012

Study German in Austria and Germany -Summers 2007 and 2008

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